Friday, June 19, 2009

Fanatics...Republicans and other kinds

Fanatics, both Republicans as well as other types, have had a good deal of success the past few weeks when it comes to making stupid, inappropriate comments. Most have been directed at President Obama (even his wife), pending legislation, Democrats in Congress and legal issues.

Let's begin with the Letterman apology regarding a joke about Sarah Palin's daughter. The joke was over the top and Letterman's eventual apology was genuine. The next day Palin released a statement saying she accepted and then, as only she and her ilk can do, launched into a bizarre series of comments supporting the military and GI's equating the joke and her apology with the job they do to defend our freedoms adding that thanks to them, we have freedom of speech (actually, thanks to the men who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights we have freedom of speech.) But I guess that's a minor point for the good governor of the 49th state.

"I won't buy a socialist car, which means I won't be buying a GM or Chrysler car for as long as the U.S. government owns huge blocks of the companies."

So proclaimed right wing commentator and evangelist Hugh Hewitt in a column he recently wrote for the Washington Examiner. So, Hugh would rather see hundreds of thousands of GM and Chrysler employees lose their jobs and both companies disappear than have to tolerate what every rational person sees as the temporary government involvement/ownership of the two car makers.

Next, if you are President of the United States, don't take your wife out on a date and don't spend a little time looking at historical sites when you are overseas. The date issue is, of course, the Saturday night a few weeks back with the Obama's zipped off to NYC to have dinner and see a Broadway show. The President picked up the dinner and show tabs, but Republicans whined that it was inappropriate to even go out during tough economic times. Never mind that the guy who led us into tough economic times, used to nick taxpayers for all of the time he spent in Crawford, Texas. As for sightseeing, that comment came from Iowa Senator Charles Grassley while Obama was in the Middle East and Europe in early June. Obama must be the first (this is that font thing again) President in the Senator's mind who ever stopped to look around while in another country. Dick Nixon touring the Great Wall back in the early 70s doesn't seem to count.

Then there is Glen Beck of Fox. There aren't enough blogs to accommodate the list of utterly stupid things this guy has babbled over the airwaves. However, among his better ones was in early May when he told his viewers (and he was quite serious) that ACORN had plans to assassinate him. He asked his viewers to make certain that if he suddenly died, to not accept it as an accident or suicide. He will have been assassinated.

Speaking of ACORN, Michele Bachmann is not letting up when it comes to jaw-dropping stupidity. Her latest involves the census. Simply put, she and her family will only provide information as to the number of persons residing in her home. The reason? Well, all that information required (by law, honey!) will only be used by the political enemies of god-fearing, flag-waving dip shits like her to conspire against them and to start up those reeducation camps she is convinced the Obama Administration will soon establish.

Finally is PETA. Granted it's not a Republican entity but it is comprised of brainless fanatics.

Earlier this week, President Obama was being interviewed by CNBC correspondent John Harwood when an annoying common house fly begin buzzing around the Commander-in-Chief's head. Obama didn't take long to dispatch the intruder. When it landed on his left hand, the most powerful man in the world delivered a death swat with his right hand that was quicker than a beam of light. A few seconds later, the camera zoomed in on the dead insect lying on a White House rug.

It generated several chuckles and grins but not the approval of PETA. Let me just say that I view animal rights fanatics with the same perspective I view religious and pro-life fanatics: mentally unbalanced lunatics who are basically the same people just seated in different parts of the room. If you ever want to get into their heads, read about their founder, Ingrid Newkirk. This bimbo needs to be in a lock-up unit. To use an animal example, she's crazier than a shit house rat.

PETA publicly protested Obama killing the fly and said they were sending him some goofball contraption called a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher.

Their message is that humans should tolerate and not eliminate disease-carrying insects like flies and mosquitoes. Let's put some of these cute little insect houses in Africa so we don't have to whack all the mosquitoes that kills hundreds of thousands each year through malaria.

Actually, I think we should use the Katcha Bug and trap several hundred cockroaches, a major carrier of numerous life-threatening maladies. Then let them go free in PETA headquarters.

It would be interesting to see how long it would take for PETA to call the Orkin man.

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