Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I thought I took it to Bill Donohue pretty good in my latest post when I blasted his response to last week's report released by the Irish Commission investigating decades of abuse by Catholic priests, nuns, monks and lay people against children. Well I have to take a second place to Michael Rosch. To learn more, visit www.buzzflash.com and then scroll down and look on the left side for Report: Catholic Leaders in Ireland Downplaying Abuse Report 5/26.

Well worth the read


The earth is flat. That's the conclusion that needs to be reached if you listen to enough of the anti-science Republicans in the U.S. Congress.

The latest hobbyhorse they seem to be riding is CO2, you know, carbon dioxide. Because CO2 is a routine, day-to-day element in the environment, they defend it. They do so, however, because CO2's overabundance resulting from man-made activities, is a major factor in creating the greenhouse effect, which according to the vast majority of us who now believe the earth circles the sun and not the other way around, is resulting in global warming.

The Grand Obstructionist Party is filled with knuckleheads who dispel global warming for no other reason than it would require them take a stand not in the best economic interests of their big capitalist supporters.

Of the real crackpots sitting on the right side of the aisle in both houses, three stand out for their continuing display of brainless blathering...Jim Inhofe, Joe Barton and, of course, Michele Bachmann.

A closer look at all three is both comical and frightening.

Let's start with Inhofe. The tonnage of this man's ignorance is astounding. A very good source of mine who is an Oklahoman and, therefore, a constituent by default of the senior U.S. Senator from the Sooner State. Anyway, he tells the story of Inhofe, who has a private pilot's license, getting ready to take off a few years ago in a twin engine prop plane to head to D.C. Just prior to takeoff, it was pointed out to the senator, that one of his engine gauges registered no oil pressure. Let me repeat that...no oil pressure!! In a blatant act of complete irresponsibility, Inhofe announced he wasn't concerned, was in a hurry and would take care of it once in Washington.

Somehow he made it which, depending upon your perspective, may or may not be a good thing.

Big Jim has taken a major stand against global warming or, more precisely, its causes. One thing for sure, he's convinced it is not man-made.

Inhofe once claimed Global Warming is "the second-largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the separation of church and state"

He has claimed that the threat of global warming was exaggerated by "the media, Hollywood elites and pop culture" Boy, those poor folks in Hollywood. Bill Donohue claims they like anal sex and sodomy with their mothers. I can't understand how they can possible produce and release a single film, what with all that ass fucking and motherfucking going on while at the same time haranguing against global warming. I know I simply couldn't constantly fit that into an average day.

Oh, yes, only Texas senator John Coryn received more campaign donations from the oil and gas industry than Inhofe in the 2002 election cycle. The contributions Inhofe has received from the energy and natural resource sector since taking office have exceeded one million dollars.
Now shift from the Senate to the House of Representatives and begin with Texas Congressman Joe Barton. Barton, you may recall, claimed a few weeks back that college football's Bowl Championship Series, which is currently used to determine the annual national championship, is "communism." In an email at the time to many of you, I said I went through Marx's Das Kapital and, indeed, found that Marx (along with the assistance of Engels) wrote extensively back in the middle of the Nineteenth Century about the need for an uprising in college football to overthrow the BCS and replace it with a much more proletariat-friendly playoff system.

Last week, Barton (who looks like he could have fathered the retarded banjo playing hillbilly kid in "Deliverance") was on C-Span. According to the Huffington Post and the replay from C-Span, Barton said about CO2, " I'm creating it as I talk to you. It's in your Coca-Cola, your Dr. Pepper and your Perrier water. It's necessary for human life. It's odorless, colorless, tasteless, doesn't cause cancer, doesn't cause asthma. There's nobody that's ever been admitted to a hospital because of CO2 poisoning."

He was condemned later that day in the Economist for his stance, which profiled him in its "Profiles In Stupidity" column:

"We've chronicled Mr. Barton's stupidity (there really is no other word for it) before. Anyone looking for exhibit A in what's wrong with the Republican Party should start with the good congressman...

"Please don't get me wrong, it's not simply that Mr. Barton is a climate-change skeptic. There are plenty of those and some make decent arguments against moving ahead with measures to control emissions. The problem with Mr. Barton is that he is wholly uninterested in the science and statistics of the global warming debate. He is about as curious as a dead cat, as is his colleague in the Senate, James Inhofe."

Then there is Michele Bachmann who is so goddamn stupid on so many fronts it is a challenge to know where to begin. But since we are focusing on global warming, let's stick to her comments (well, "comments" is being kind) on CO2.

Last month, Brainless Bachmann took the floor one evening (she does that a lot, almost always when there are only less than 10 other members present) and said, "Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular life cycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental life cycle of Earth."

Talk about three ignoramuses that need to "suck the pipe." Now, that would be a good use of gas.

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