Friday, May 15, 2009

"Diaper Dave" Vitter and the Storm a-Brewin' in Louisiana

“Diaper Dave” Vitter, the incumbent U.S. Senator from Louisiana and the father of four, has to be looking over his shoulder. That’s because a possible campaign for Stormy Daniels is quickly catching on and closing in fast.

As many of you know, Diaper Dave is the born-again, anti-same sex marriage, pro-life, anti-stem cell research, family values, apple-cheeked American boy at the forefront of the Republican vanguard standing as a stalwart at the ramparts of virtue.

Except, of course, he loves to patronize hookers and wear diapers in the process.

Diaper Dave was discovered in 2007 to be a regular of Washington, D.C. madam, Deborah Jeanne Palfrey. Then to add insult to injury, on trips back home (you know, those trips where our elected officials “reach out to constituents to listen to their concerns”) Diaper Dave
frequently used the services of the Canal Street Madam, Jeanette Maier. While there, he would request the company of Wendy Cortez, one of Maier’s employees, who indulged the good gentleman from Louisiana and would dress him up in a diaper while they cavorted about at a cost of $300 an hour.

An intriguing aspect of this tryst is that Ms. Cortez not only shares the same first name as Diaper Dave’s wife, but the two women look strikingly similar. I can only surmise that Diaper Dave had for years pleaded with his wife to put him in diapers. When she refused, his OCD diaper-driven frenzy forced him to fulfill his needs elsewhere. In doing so he chose the one woman working for the service who in so many ways resembled his wife.

All of this is playing right into the hands of Stormy Daniels and the Draft Stormy folks. Ms. Daniels, a Baton Rouge native, has returned home from Hollywood where she carved out a successful career as a super star in the adult film industry and is doing her own version of
“listening to the concerns” of the good citizens of the Pelican state. Amidst all this, she is pulling off a critical must if a campaign is to be successful: securing wide spread media coverage both in
Louisiana and nation-wide. Hey, a porn star taking on a self-righteous hypocrite in the Bible-belt South. Now, that’s news!

I have an insider’s update on the campaign and can now say unequivocally that Diaper Dave and the Republicans have something to fear.

Yesterday, I received a call from Brian Welsh down in New Orleans, a lawyer-turned-political-consultant who is, along with others, advising Ms. Daniels. Brian says that the idea of Stormy for Senate is taking hold and doing so rather quickly. Brian called me after I contacted the campaign earlier this week and told them of my interest in forming a Minnesotans for Stormy movement. Hey, we may freeze our collective asses off up here five months out of the year, but we know a hot babe and a hot political movement when we see one.

Brian loves the idea and it triggered the thought on his part that support for Stormy is not limited to Louisiana and if it can catch on way up here in the North Star State, it can catch on anywhere.

Now, some people have said to me that Ms. Daniels’ occupation will work against her and she has no chance. I say bullshit.

In Minnesota a little over 10 years ago people initially laughed off former pro wrestler Jessie Ventura’s run for governor and we know what happened. Besides, Ms. Daniels isn’t seeking public office in Kansas. This is Louisiana we’re talking about.

I suggest you take a few moments to visit and also to go to Youtube and google in her name and watch the WGNO-TV interview. I think you will agree with me this is a sharp, well-spoken woman who is really not a Republican when you hear her discuss the issues. I
can only imagine the look on Mitch McConnell and Saxby Chambliss’ faces when she walks into the Senate chambers and the realization hits them that a former porn star who is also a progressive thinker is in their midst.

In my next Post, I will address some thoughts on what I see the Stormy campaign doing to further rattle Diaper Dave. I fondly hope that we see the day when, while in his diaper, he is in the fetal position, sucking his thumb and telling his mommy he has been a bad boy and
“pooped my pants.”

In the meantime, I have a suggestion on a campaign slogan for Stormy.

“Too old to wear Pampers, too young for Depends
In 2010, Diaper Dave’s career comes to an end.

“Stormy for Senate.”

Gee, I hope Stormy likes it.

1 comment:

  1. Vitter’s problems go much deeper than wearing diapers and engaging in illegal activities.

    He is on the Senate Banking committee and HUD. Corruption runs deep in La politics. A quick look at Vitter’s FEC report shows that he is owned by the very same banks that are calling for bailouts and the corrupt credit card industry.

    Try explaining to the citizens why 30% interest rates are good for them.

    We have spent 10’s of Billions rebuilding after Katrina and there are still thousands of people living in third world conditions in his state.

    Where did the money go Dave? Who skimmed off the top and how much did they skim?

    A partial list of the skimmers can be found on Vitter’s FEC report.

    Using the services of a Canal Street business woman may be one of the few things Vitter has done to stimulate the La economy.
