Friday, May 29, 2009


Earlier this week, President Obama was still addressing the media and others with Judge Sonia Sotomayor at his side. Before the two could even walk off stage, the right wing lunatics were already screaming about her being nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court.

You'd have to stay reading this until the Fourth of July if I were to detail every crackpot utterance made by these people over the past few days. As in all cases like this, there are some which are so outrageous that they deserve repeating. Doing so convinces anyone with a clear head and a modicum of sensibility that the Republicans, namely the crazies who currently monopolize the party, are on a fast track to third party status. The Sotomayor matter is just another pathetic situation in which the right wingers find themselves. The vast majority of Americans have already pinned the economic crisis squarely on their over-inflated chests and letting Cheney, Limbaugh and Gingrich roll out into the spotlight has been nothing short of a disaster. Could we be witnessing the very early phases of persons like Colin Powell starting to wrestle back control of the party? Or will he and other moderate Republicans jump ship and become Democrats or, perhaps, sign up with the Independence Party so that in another decade that becomes the second major party in America.

Back to Sotomayor. Where to begin on all of the stupid comments made about her and the nomination is not easy. Just when we think we heard the dumbest (and most entertaining) comment possible, another one comes right behind it. And it's only three days since she was nominated!

OK, here goes:

Up until a couple of days ago, I never heard of Mark Krikorian who works for the right-wing Center for Immigration Studies. In a blog a couple of days ago, Krikorian bitched about the “unnatural pronunciation” of Sotomayor’s name. He said "deferring to people’s own pronunciation of their names should obviously be our first inclination, but there ought to be limits. Putting the emphasis on the final syllable of Sotomayor is unnatural in English."

As I said, I didn't know who Krikorian was. Now I do, thanks to his blatant ignorance.

Then there is Karl Rove, who said in referring to Sotomayor’s earning her undergraduate degree from Princeton and her J.D from the Yale Law School that he wasn't that impressed because "I know some rather dumb people who went to Ivy League schools." No shit, Sherlock! You must be referring to the dumb-ass you worked for when he was Governor of Texas and then the President of the United States!!

Speaking of the Ivies, several conservatives tied her attending Princeton and Yale to getting an education at two of the citadels of liberalism. Hmm, that's interesting. There's this guy named Samuel Alito (I think he presently sits on the Supreme Court and is viewed as a conservative jurist) and if I remember correctly, he is an alum of Princeton and Yale Law School. Oh well, never let those things get in the way of good ol' mud slinging.

Then there is our old, dumb-as-a-bag-of-hair friend, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma.) Just to make certain he wasn't left out when it came to idiotic Republican reactions to the nomination, he sent out a statement indicating he feared that Judge Sotomayor would be unable to prove her legal decisions have not been based upon her race and gender. Inhofe said the Senate will "weigh her qualifications and character as well as her ability to rule fairly without undo influence from her own race or gender."

Let's return to Justice Alito. Back in 2006 during his confirmation hearing he remarked, "Because when a case comes before me involving, let's say, someone who is an immigrant -- and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases -- I can't help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn't that long ago when they were in that position.

"When I get a case about discrimination, I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account."

OK, enough of that. If you can't hang her on where she went to school and on her referencing of her ethnic makeup and that' she's a woman, how about that she is a racist.

Who better to make that charge than former U. S. Congressman Tom Tancredo, a Republican from Colorado. This schmuck made a career whining about immigration (by Hispanics, not Europeans or people fleeing the Muslim Mideast.) It turns out Sotomayor is a member of the National Council of La Raza, a l national organization that is "the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States." Appearing on CNN to lambaste Sotomayor for belonging to a group whose name would translate as "The Race," Tancredo made the false claim that La Raza has the motto, "All for the race, nothing for the rest," and bashed it as being "a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses."

To add to the piling on, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) accused her of belonging to "a racist organization called 'The Race.'" Said ALIPAC president William Gheen: "The US Supreme Court is no place for brown or Hispanic supremacists like Sonia Sotomayor."

Damn right! Only white, male supremacists can sit on our Supreme Court!

All this reminds me of something Harry Truman once said:

"I remember when I first came to Washington. For the first six months you wonder how the hell you ever got here. For the next six months you wonder how the hell the rest of them ever got here."

Enough of all this nastiness. Let's turn to something more serene, gentle and Stormy Daniels' candidacy for the U.S. Senate from Louisiana. A week ago Thursday, she announced the formation of an exploratory committee to look into the possibility of her running against
"Diaper Dave" Vitter, the hooker-loving incumbent.

An exploratory committee is always a sign someone is serious. Heretofore, Stormy, when she wasn't performing exotic dances at some of the more popular clubs in Louisiana, was simply on "a listening tour." The step from a listening tour to an exploratory committee means things could get really interesting.

I hope by next week to have more details to post. In fact, I am going to push for some direct quotes from Stormy herself. After all, I am the self-appointed chair of Minnesotans for Stormy.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I thought I took it to Bill Donohue pretty good in my latest post when I blasted his response to last week's report released by the Irish Commission investigating decades of abuse by Catholic priests, nuns, monks and lay people against children. Well I have to take a second place to Michael Rosch. To learn more, visit and then scroll down and look on the left side for Report: Catholic Leaders in Ireland Downplaying Abuse Report 5/26.

Well worth the read


The earth is flat. That's the conclusion that needs to be reached if you listen to enough of the anti-science Republicans in the U.S. Congress.

The latest hobbyhorse they seem to be riding is CO2, you know, carbon dioxide. Because CO2 is a routine, day-to-day element in the environment, they defend it. They do so, however, because CO2's overabundance resulting from man-made activities, is a major factor in creating the greenhouse effect, which according to the vast majority of us who now believe the earth circles the sun and not the other way around, is resulting in global warming.

The Grand Obstructionist Party is filled with knuckleheads who dispel global warming for no other reason than it would require them take a stand not in the best economic interests of their big capitalist supporters.

Of the real crackpots sitting on the right side of the aisle in both houses, three stand out for their continuing display of brainless blathering...Jim Inhofe, Joe Barton and, of course, Michele Bachmann.

A closer look at all three is both comical and frightening.

Let's start with Inhofe. The tonnage of this man's ignorance is astounding. A very good source of mine who is an Oklahoman and, therefore, a constituent by default of the senior U.S. Senator from the Sooner State. Anyway, he tells the story of Inhofe, who has a private pilot's license, getting ready to take off a few years ago in a twin engine prop plane to head to D.C. Just prior to takeoff, it was pointed out to the senator, that one of his engine gauges registered no oil pressure. Let me repeat oil pressure!! In a blatant act of complete irresponsibility, Inhofe announced he wasn't concerned, was in a hurry and would take care of it once in Washington.

Somehow he made it which, depending upon your perspective, may or may not be a good thing.

Big Jim has taken a major stand against global warming or, more precisely, its causes. One thing for sure, he's convinced it is not man-made.

Inhofe once claimed Global Warming is "the second-largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the separation of church and state"

He has claimed that the threat of global warming was exaggerated by "the media, Hollywood elites and pop culture" Boy, those poor folks in Hollywood. Bill Donohue claims they like anal sex and sodomy with their mothers. I can't understand how they can possible produce and release a single film, what with all that ass fucking and motherfucking going on while at the same time haranguing against global warming. I know I simply couldn't constantly fit that into an average day.

Oh, yes, only Texas senator John Coryn received more campaign donations from the oil and gas industry than Inhofe in the 2002 election cycle. The contributions Inhofe has received from the energy and natural resource sector since taking office have exceeded one million dollars.
Now shift from the Senate to the House of Representatives and begin with Texas Congressman Joe Barton. Barton, you may recall, claimed a few weeks back that college football's Bowl Championship Series, which is currently used to determine the annual national championship, is "communism." In an email at the time to many of you, I said I went through Marx's Das Kapital and, indeed, found that Marx (along with the assistance of Engels) wrote extensively back in the middle of the Nineteenth Century about the need for an uprising in college football to overthrow the BCS and replace it with a much more proletariat-friendly playoff system.

Last week, Barton (who looks like he could have fathered the retarded banjo playing hillbilly kid in "Deliverance") was on C-Span. According to the Huffington Post and the replay from C-Span, Barton said about CO2, " I'm creating it as I talk to you. It's in your Coca-Cola, your Dr. Pepper and your Perrier water. It's necessary for human life. It's odorless, colorless, tasteless, doesn't cause cancer, doesn't cause asthma. There's nobody that's ever been admitted to a hospital because of CO2 poisoning."

He was condemned later that day in the Economist for his stance, which profiled him in its "Profiles In Stupidity" column:

"We've chronicled Mr. Barton's stupidity (there really is no other word for it) before. Anyone looking for exhibit A in what's wrong with the Republican Party should start with the good congressman...

"Please don't get me wrong, it's not simply that Mr. Barton is a climate-change skeptic. There are plenty of those and some make decent arguments against moving ahead with measures to control emissions. The problem with Mr. Barton is that he is wholly uninterested in the science and statistics of the global warming debate. He is about as curious as a dead cat, as is his colleague in the Senate, James Inhofe."

Then there is Michele Bachmann who is so goddamn stupid on so many fronts it is a challenge to know where to begin. But since we are focusing on global warming, let's stick to her comments (well, "comments" is being kind) on CO2.

Last month, Brainless Bachmann took the floor one evening (she does that a lot, almost always when there are only less than 10 other members present) and said, "Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular life cycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental life cycle of Earth."

Talk about three ignoramuses that need to "suck the pipe." Now, that would be a good use of gas.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bigoted Bill Donohue

William Donohue fancies himself as some sort of modern day Martin Luther King, Jr. for Roman Catholics in America.

Donohue is the president of the Catholic League for Civil Rights and Religious Freedom. It postures itself as standing up for Catholics who are, they claim, constantly the victims of religious intolerance. That's fine in theory because religious bigotry and persecution is unacceptable no matter which religion is victimized. But, in fact, the Catholic League, and especially Donohue, are nothing more than shills for the Vatican. In the end, they do not represent, teach, tolerate or defend civil liberties, but instead are mouth pieces for Catholic policy and apologists for every position taken by the church whether religious or social in nature.

In addition, they will spew the most venomous tirades against anyone who expresses even the slightest criticism of the church or Catholicism.

In the past, Donohue has demonstrated that it is he who is the intolerant bigot.

For example...

He recently appeared on Fox News and supported the church's decision back in the 1600s to place Galileo under house arrest for the last 10 years of his life after accusing him of heresy because of his theories on astronomy. He is on record as saying that "Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity, especially Catholics." Later, he apologized for using the word "controlled." He also labels support groups for persons abused by Catholic clergy as "the enemy."

Among his more intelligent observations are:

"Name for me a book publishing company in this country, particularly in New York, which would allow you to publish a book which would tell the truth about the gay death style."

"The gay community has yet to apologize to straight people for all the damage that they have done."

Addressing former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) in a press release Donohue said: "Why didn't you just smack the clergyman in the face? After all, most 15-year-old teenage boys wouldn't allow themselves to be molested. So why did you?"

"I'm saying if a Catholic votes for Kerry because they support him on abortion rights, that is to cooperate in evil."

"It's not a secret, OK? And I'm not afraid to say it. ... Hollywood likes anal sex. They like to see the public square without nativity scenes. I like families. I like children. They like abortions. Well, look, there are people in Hollywood, not all of them, but there are some people who are nothing more than harlots. They will do anything for the buck. They wouldn't care. If you asked them to sodomize their own mother in a movie, they would do so, and they would do it with a smile on their face."

The latest involves the report released a few days ago in Ireland in which a commission's nine-year investigation provided details of the inhumane abuse and treatment perpetrated by Catholic priests, nuns, monks and some lay people against children housed in Catholic-run institutions for roughly a 60-year period.

Just to prove that Wild Bill and the CL aren't going to back away any time soon from standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the church, they issued the following news release yesterday within hours of the release of the commission report:


After nine years of investigation, Ireland’s Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse has published its findings. More than 30,000 children, most of them delinquents, passed through one or more of Ireland’s Catholic-run institutions from the 1920s through the 1980s.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the report today:

Reuters is reporting that “Irish Priests Beat, Raped Children,” yet the report does not justify this wild and irresponsible claim. Four types of abuse are noted: physical, sexual, neglect and emotional. Physical abuse includes “being kicked”; neglect includes “inadequate heating”; and emotional abuse includes “lack of attachment and affection.” Not nice, to be sure, but hardly draconian, especially given the time line: fully 82 percent of the incidents took place before 1970. As the New York Times noted, “many of them [are] now more than 70 years old.” And quite frankly, corporal punishment was not exactly unknown in many homes during these times, and this is doubly true when dealing with miscreants.

Regarding sexual abuse, “kissing,” and “non-contact including voyeurism” (e.g., what it labels as “inappropriate sexual talk”) make the grade as constituting sexual abuse. Moreover, one-third of the cases involved “inappropriate fondling and contact.” None of this is defensible, but none of it qualifies as rape. Rape, on the other hand, constituted 12 percent of the cases. As for the charge that “Irish Priests” were responsible, some of the abuse was carried out by lay persons, much of it was done by Brothers, and about 12 percent of the abusers were priests (most of whom were not rapists).

The Irish report suffers from conflating minor instances of abuse with serious ones, thus demeaning the latter. When most people hear of the term abuse, they do not think about being slapped, being chilly, being ignored or, for that matter, having someone stare at you in the shower. They think about rape.

By cheapening rape, the report demeans the big victims. But, of course, there is a huge market for such distortions, especially when the accused is the Catholic Church.

Gee, I guess if you follow Billy's logic, a nine-year-old little boy who had his genitals groped for a half-hour by a priest should be grateful that he wasn't buggered (which, I guess, would be rape even to Donohue.)

But, hey asshole Bill, more to the point. "Neglect" also includes depriving children of water and making them sleep outside in the cold. "Being kicked," you abhorrent son-on-of-a-bitch, goes beyond any normal and sane person's definition of corporal punishment.

Finally, he goes out of his way to make the argument that a lot of the abuse was by monks, not priests. Therefore, Dickhead Donohue seems to think there is some kind of moral difference in that. So Billy, are we to understand that a 12-year-old boy forced to perform fellatio on a monk suffers less psychological damage today than if he was forced to perform fellatio on a priest!! I guess the degree of emotional scarring in the eyes of Donohue and the CL is in proportion to the rank of the abuser. What would all that mean if you had to service a Cardinal?

I'm going to go throw up now. And Donohue...go fuck yourself!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Governor Timmy, Brainless Bachmann and a Stormy Update

Minnesota Governor Timmy Pawlenty and Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann jumped to the head of the line this week as being heartless and, in the case of Bachmann (no surprise here), just goddamn stupid.

Governor Heartless

Governor Timmy, in the end, is a petulant little boy whose attitude is that
he’s not raising taxes no matter the consequences. He is the poster
boy to the anti-tax types like Grover Norquist and this, of course,
makes him very attractive to contemporary Republicans at the national
level. Helpful, if you are delusional enough to think you can be
president. Yet, he fails to realize that while he placates the
every-shrinking group of anti-tax, no-government whack jobs, in
the long run Minnesotans will have more money leave their pockets for
those things that must always be paid for. Wait until all those saying
“oh, thank you Governor Timmy for not raising taxes when we are all
struggling in a bad economy” get their next property tax statement. I
wonder what they will think of Governor Timmy when they pay increased
fees at the local, county and state level, see costs for healthcare
insurance really go up because the money to treat the poor and
indigent needs to come from somewhere (you don’t think Blue Cross/Blue
Shield is going to absorb that, do you Mr. And Mrs. No Tax Increase?)
In the end, we will continue the legacy under Governor Timmy of having
Minnesota not work nearly as well as it should.

It is important to point out that previous generations of Republican
leadership at both the national and state level were never this cold
hearted. In Minnesota, past Republican governors like Elmer L.
Anderson, Al Quie and Arne Carlson, while traditional Republicans when
it came to fiscal matters, nevertheless found compromise and did, in
the end, care for the less fortunate, albeit not exactly in the same
way the Democrats did

Under Governor Timmy, of course, the upper one to two percent of the
income bracket is never being asked to pay their fair share. They
continue to keep a greater percentage of their gross income while the
masses down below face just the opposite situation.

An example of Pawlenty’s heartless attitude is General Assistance
Medical Care (GAMC), which is for people who do not qualify for other
state programs and do not have private insurance. These are very
low-income adults 21to 64 years old and who do not have children.
These people often suffer from chronic health care problems and are
the ones we think of when we think of those forced to use a nearby
hospital emergency room for virtually every medical situation. To be
eligible, their monthly income can’t exceed $650 and they can’t have
more than $1,000 in assets although they may own a home or a vehicle
in certain circumstances. There is a hospital-only coverage program
in which the income and asset limits are slightly higher but not much.

These people are also responsible for co-pays. Obviously, the number
of those who are eligible rides up and down with the economy.

While the GAMC is a state-only funded program, expenditures are used
to draw down federal hospital payments for hospitals serving a
disproportionate share of low-income people. The result of Timmy’s
veto is he just said “fuck you” to roughly 30,000 Minnesotans and,
$18M in federal revenue in FY ‘11 will be lost.

So Governor “Palenty-for-me-and-my-rich-supporters, nothing-for-anyone
else” has cut off his nose to spite his pretty boy face. Hang on,
Minnesota, because there are going to be less cops, less firefighters,
an increase in shitty roads and maybe even another bridge collapse or

At the same time, the Democratic majority leadership in the
legislature needs to be taken to task. I believe they failed early on
in this session to form a strong enough unified front and to make
tactical moves back during the winter to be able to stop Timmy.

Regardless, all this poses some real problems for Timmy. He has pretty
much told us he won’t seek reelection. He has pissed off just a little
too many of the state’s citizens. Remember, he has never won the
majority in his previous two races. Then there is the awful spot he is
in when it comes to signing the certification on the outcome of the
Franken-Coleman race. Logic says Franken wins. If Timmy signs the
certification, that gets the national Republican leadership all riled
up because the Dems now really control the U. S. Senate. If he takes
the chicken-shit route and doesn’t sign it, the matter goes to the
federal courts delaying Minnesota having a second
senator even further. At this point, Minnesotans will be so goddamn mad at him that he
probably will have to take a job with David Strom and the Taxpayers
League ala Phil Krinkie.

Onto Michelle “Brainless” Bachmann.

When completed in the near future, the Northstar Commuter Line will
run from the Twin Cities northwest to Big Lake, MN. There is federal
funding available to extend that an additional 30 miles to St. Cloud,
a sizeable city roughly 75 miles northwest of Minneapolis. Over the
past twenty years, this area has grown in population at an alarming
rate and is a classic example of urban sprawl. It screams for commuter
systems. But Bachmann, who has demonstrated she has the intelligence
of a fork, is against it because “she opposes earmarks. “Bite me,
honey!” You moronic bimbo, you took nearly $4 million in earmarks for
your district (the Congressional Sixth) back in tour first term
starting in 2007!

While previously serving in the Minnesota State Senate, Mindless
Michelle was part of a lunatic fringe group that advocated
individualized pods for commuters that would ride along on some kind
of a rail system…. one person per pod. Apparently, she is afraid that
if she were to ever ride on a commuter bus or train, gays or lesbians
might sit next to her and she would catch something.

Minnesotans for Stormy Expanding

Minnesotans for Stormy may well be taking on a bigger role in Ms.
Daniels’ campaign in Louisiana than was previously noted. There are
strong indications that a couple of Minnesota Democratic campaign
veterans could be making notable contributions to the campaign. Of
course, of all this is predicated on whether Ms. Daniels decides to
run against “Diaper Dave” Vitter.

Diaper Dave will face a yet-to-be-determined Democrat opponent and either
Ms. Daniels will challenge him in the Republican primary or seek
office as an independent. I am, by the way, checking out rumors as to
whether a special stroller is being built to accommodate Diaper Dave
so that his Mommy, as well as campaign workers, can push him along at
events such as parades and rallies.

Friday, May 15, 2009

"Diaper Dave" Vitter and the Storm a-Brewin' in Louisiana

“Diaper Dave” Vitter, the incumbent U.S. Senator from Louisiana and the father of four, has to be looking over his shoulder. That’s because a possible campaign for Stormy Daniels is quickly catching on and closing in fast.

As many of you know, Diaper Dave is the born-again, anti-same sex marriage, pro-life, anti-stem cell research, family values, apple-cheeked American boy at the forefront of the Republican vanguard standing as a stalwart at the ramparts of virtue.

Except, of course, he loves to patronize hookers and wear diapers in the process.

Diaper Dave was discovered in 2007 to be a regular of Washington, D.C. madam, Deborah Jeanne Palfrey. Then to add insult to injury, on trips back home (you know, those trips where our elected officials “reach out to constituents to listen to their concerns”) Diaper Dave
frequently used the services of the Canal Street Madam, Jeanette Maier. While there, he would request the company of Wendy Cortez, one of Maier’s employees, who indulged the good gentleman from Louisiana and would dress him up in a diaper while they cavorted about at a cost of $300 an hour.

An intriguing aspect of this tryst is that Ms. Cortez not only shares the same first name as Diaper Dave’s wife, but the two women look strikingly similar. I can only surmise that Diaper Dave had for years pleaded with his wife to put him in diapers. When she refused, his OCD diaper-driven frenzy forced him to fulfill his needs elsewhere. In doing so he chose the one woman working for the service who in so many ways resembled his wife.

All of this is playing right into the hands of Stormy Daniels and the Draft Stormy folks. Ms. Daniels, a Baton Rouge native, has returned home from Hollywood where she carved out a successful career as a super star in the adult film industry and is doing her own version of
“listening to the concerns” of the good citizens of the Pelican state. Amidst all this, she is pulling off a critical must if a campaign is to be successful: securing wide spread media coverage both in
Louisiana and nation-wide. Hey, a porn star taking on a self-righteous hypocrite in the Bible-belt South. Now, that’s news!

I have an insider’s update on the campaign and can now say unequivocally that Diaper Dave and the Republicans have something to fear.

Yesterday, I received a call from Brian Welsh down in New Orleans, a lawyer-turned-political-consultant who is, along with others, advising Ms. Daniels. Brian says that the idea of Stormy for Senate is taking hold and doing so rather quickly. Brian called me after I contacted the campaign earlier this week and told them of my interest in forming a Minnesotans for Stormy movement. Hey, we may freeze our collective asses off up here five months out of the year, but we know a hot babe and a hot political movement when we see one.

Brian loves the idea and it triggered the thought on his part that support for Stormy is not limited to Louisiana and if it can catch on way up here in the North Star State, it can catch on anywhere.

Now, some people have said to me that Ms. Daniels’ occupation will work against her and she has no chance. I say bullshit.

In Minnesota a little over 10 years ago people initially laughed off former pro wrestler Jessie Ventura’s run for governor and we know what happened. Besides, Ms. Daniels isn’t seeking public office in Kansas. This is Louisiana we’re talking about.

I suggest you take a few moments to visit and also to go to Youtube and google in her name and watch the WGNO-TV interview. I think you will agree with me this is a sharp, well-spoken woman who is really not a Republican when you hear her discuss the issues. I
can only imagine the look on Mitch McConnell and Saxby Chambliss’ faces when she walks into the Senate chambers and the realization hits them that a former porn star who is also a progressive thinker is in their midst.

In my next Post, I will address some thoughts on what I see the Stormy campaign doing to further rattle Diaper Dave. I fondly hope that we see the day when, while in his diaper, he is in the fetal position, sucking his thumb and telling his mommy he has been a bad boy and
“pooped my pants.”

In the meantime, I have a suggestion on a campaign slogan for Stormy.

“Too old to wear Pampers, too young for Depends
In 2010, Diaper Dave’s career comes to an end.

“Stormy for Senate.”

Gee, I hope Stormy likes it.

"Diaper Dave" Vitter and the Storm a-brewin in Louisiana

“Diaper Dave” Vitter, the incumbent U.S. Senator from Louisiana and the father of four, has to be looking over his shoulder. That’s because a possible campaign for Stormy Daniels is quickly catching on and closing in fast.

As many of you know, Diaper Dave is the born-again, anti-same sex marriage, pro-life, anti-stem cell research, family values, apple-cheeked American boy at the forefront of the Republican vanguard standing as a stalwart at the ramparts of virtue.

Except, of course, he loves to patronize hookers and wear diapers in the process.

Diaper Dave was discovered in 2007 to be a regular of Washington, D.C. madam, Deborah Jeanne Palfrey. Then to add insult to injury, on trips back home (you know, those trips where our elected officials “reach out to constituents to listen to their concerns”) Diaper Dave frequently used the services of the Canal Street Madam, Jeanette Maier. While there, he would request the company of Wendy Cortez, one of Maier’s employees, who indulged the good gentleman from Louisiana and would dress him up in a diaper while they cavorted about at a cost of $300 an hour.

An intriguing aspect of this tryst is that Ms. Cortez not only shares the same first name as Diaper Dave’s wife, but the two women look strikingly similar. I can only surmise that Diaper Dave had for years pleaded with his wife to put him in diapers. When she refused, his OCD diaper-driven frenzy forced him to fulfill his needs elsewhere. In doing so he chose the one woman working for the service who in so many ways resembled his wife.

All of this is playing right into the hands of Stormy Daniels and the Draft Stormy folks. Ms. Daniels, a Baton Rouge native, has returned home from Hollywood where she carved out a successful career as a super star in the adult film industry and is doing her own version of “listening to the concerns” of the good citizens of the Pelican state. Amidst all this, she is pulling off a critical must if a campaign is to be successful: securing wide spread media coverage both in Louisiana and nation-wide. Hey, a porn star taking on a self-righteous hypocrite in the Bible-belt South. Now, that’s news!

I have an insider’s update on the campaign and can now say unequivocally that Diaper Dave and the Republicans have something to fear.

Yesterday, I received a call from Brian Welsh down in New Orleans, a lawyer-turned-political-consultant who is, along with others, advising Ms. Daniels. Brian says that the idea of Stormy for Senate is taking hold and doing so rather quickly. Brian called me after I contacted the campaign earlier this week and told them of my interest in forming a Minnesotans for Stormy movement. Hey, we may freeze our collective asses off up here five months out of the year, but we know a hot babe and a hot political movement when we see one.

Brian loves the idea and it triggered the thought on his part that support for Stormy is not limited to Louisiana and if it can catch on way up here in the North Star State, it can catch on anywhere.

Now, some people have said to me that Ms. Daniels’ occupation will work against her and she has no chance. I say bullshit.

In Minnesota a little over 10 years ago people initially laughed off former pro wrestler Jessie Ventura’s run for governor and we know what happened. Besides, Ms. Daniels isn’t seeking public office in Kansas. This is Louisiana we’re talking about.

I suggest you take a few moments to visit and also to go to Youtube and google in her name and watch the WGNO-TV interview. I think you will agree with me this is a sharp, well-spoken woman who is really not a Republican when you hear her discuss the issues. I can only imagine the look on Mitch McConnell and Saxby Chambliss’ faces when she walks into the Senate chambers and the realization hits them that a former porn star who is also a progressive thinker is in their midst.

In my next posting, I will address some thoughts on what I see the Stormy campaign doing to further rattle Diaper Dave. I fondly hope that we see the day when, while in his diaper, he is in the fetal position, sucking his thumb and telling his mommy he has been a bad boy and “pooped my pants.”

In the meantime, I have a suggestion on a campaign slogan for Stormy.

“Too old to wear Pampers, too young for Depends
In 2010, Diaper Dave’s career comes to an end."

“Stormy for Senate.”

Gee, I hope Stormy likes it.